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This page contains links to my favorite resources from each course...

EAD 801:  Leadership & Organizational Development

A LESSON FOR THE PRINCIPAL ~ A great article for teachers, parents, and principals on how they can make a difference and improve a school from within.

Education leadership is more important than ever. States recognize that schools and districts will not meet demanding requirements for improving achievement without effective leaders. This publication, Educational Leadership Policy Standards: ISLLC 2008, represents the latest set of high-level policy standards for education leadership. It provides guidance to state policymakers as they work to improve education leadership preparation, licensure, evaluation, and professional development.

ED 800:  Concepts Educational Inquiry


Jean-Jacques Rousseau on nature, wholeness and education. His novel Émile was the most significant book on education after Plato’s Republic, and his other work had a profound impact on political theory and practice, romanticism and the development of the novel. We explore Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s life and contribution..

John Dewey's famous declaration concerning education.

CEP 843:  Autism Spectrum Disorders: Characteristics & Educational Implications

AUTISM INTERNET MODULES ~ Linking Research to Real Life

These modules give teachers ideas on what they can do to include students with ASD more and maximize learning.

CEP 832:  Teaching Children with Challenging Behavior


EAD 860:  The Concept of the Learning Society

SPECTACULAR THINGS HAPPEN ALONG the WAY: Lessons from an Urban Classroom

This link connects you with an article about this amazing must-read!  Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way is an inspiring text that serves to dispel many of the offensive notions about the capabilities of inner city students. Thanks to Carr’s Room 405 students and Schultz, much can be learned about the value of a community of learners serving as experts in open dialogue, codeveloping knowledge, and working for change.

CEP 882:  The Nature and Design of Compelling Experiences

HOME BY DESIGN ~ Transforming Your House Into A Home

A guide to what underlies style, and an exploration of the principles that transform an ordinary house into extraordinary home!

CEP 801A:  Collaboration and Consultation in Special Education

Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports

EAD 882:  Education in the Digital Age

DIGITAL NATION ~ PBS Frontline:  Online Film and Website... Within a single generation, digital media and the World Wide Web have transformed virtually every aspect of modern culture, from the way we learn and work to the ways in which we socialize and even conduct war. But is the technology moving faster than we can adapt to it? And is our 24/7 wired world causing us to lose as much as we've gained?  In Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier, FRONTLINE presents an in-depth exploration of what it means to be human in a 21st-century digital world.

HACKING THE ACADEMY ~ An exploration of ongoing efforts to rebuild scholarly infrastructure

Many teens today who use the Internet are actively involved in participatory cultures—joining online communities (Facebook, message boards, game clans), producing creative work in new forms (digital sampling, modding, fan videomaking, fan fiction), working in teams to complete tasks and develop new knowledge (as in Wikipedia), and shaping the flow of media (as in blogging or podcasting). A growing body of scholarship suggests potential benefits of these activities, including opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, development of skills useful in the modern workplace, and a more empowered conception of citizenship. Some argue that young people pick up these key skills and competencies on their own by interacting with popular culture; but the problems of unequal access, lack of media transparency, and the breakdown of traditional forms of socialization and professional training suggest a role for policy and pedagogical intervention.This report aims to shift the conversation about the "digital divide" from questions about access to technology to questions about access to opportunities for involvement in participatory culture and how to provide all young people with the chance to develop the cultural competencies and social skills needed. Fostering these skills, the authors argue, requires a systemic approach to media education; schools, afterschool programs, and parents all have distinctive roles to play.

CEP 804A:  Reflection and Inquiry in Special Education ~ Literacy Instruction

Launch Young Readers

Reading Rockets is a national multimedia literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help.

ED 870:  Capstone Seminar

Create a Free Online Portfolio ~ Wix
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